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Host Your Event at the Center

The Friendship Community Center is available for use by residents and community groups looking for a friendly place to meet.

When you use the center, you’ll have access to our main hall located on the ground floor as well as the restrooms in our west wing. The main hall is about 650 square feet and features a small kitchen. The kitchen area allows for the service of catered food and reheating of food brought to the center.

*There is a mandatory security deposit of $150 which is refundable as long as the terms of the building use agreement are met. 

For instructors who have ongoing classes at The Center, your security deposit will be waived. All instructors must provide proof of current liability insurance coverage. Please email Bekah at to inquire about using the center on a regular basis.

One Time Use


4 Hours - $75

8 Hours - $125 


8 Hours - $250 

Regular Use


4 Hours - $65/session


2 Hours or less - $50/session

Building Use Agreement



  • Tenants will occupy the Main Hall, lobby, kitchen, and restrooms. This agreement does not include access to the basement, back room (besides accessing the space to use the tables and chairs), or other areas. Office equipment is not to be used by tenants or guests.

  • Rental applications must be submitted by person(s) age 21 or older.

  • Groups of children under 18 must have one responsible adult for each ten (10) children. *Children must be supervised at all times. 

  • The Center is not responsible for lost, stolen items, or damage to the renter’s items or property. 

  • The Center staff or board members reserves the right to deny a facility rental to any person or organization for any reason. Scheduled rentals can be canceled by The Center staff due to unforeseen circumstances in which case a full refund will be granted within 10 business days. 

  • Blocking emergency exits is prohibited. Exterior doors may not be propped open for longer than loading/unloading needs.

  • Ongoing renters must provide proof of insurance and liability waiver.

  • The building must be vacated no later than 11:59 PM.



  • The building is equipped with wifi. The network is SpectrumSetup-CF and the password is cleanbook790. 

  • By the end of the agreed period, the Hall must be restored to the condition it was in when you arrived.



  • Guests should behave in an orderly manner both inside and outside the building, engaging only in lawful activities in accordance with City, State and Federal laws and regulations. 

  • Sound equipment is welcome, but, as our building is located within a residential area, any music being played should not be audible when standing outside of The Center’s property boundaries. 

  • Guests will be held financially responsible for any damages due to the misuse of The Center. Funds will always be pulled first from the security deposit, but if repair/replacement cost of the damage done to the building or Center-owned property exceeds that amount, the guest is responsible for making up the difference after receipt of service / replacement item purchase is presented by Center staff. 

  • Any and all activities & programs must be suitable for presentation in a public building.



To preserve our facilities, the use of confetti, glitter, rose petals, rice, or other similar products as decor is prohibited. Decorations should be adhered to the walls using only white tacky. Glue, tape, tacks, nails and staples may not be used to avoid damage to surfaces at The Center. Decorating plans must be approved by The Center staff before or at the time of booking. Open flame candles of any kind are prohibited. Violation of these rules will result in a deduction of the security deposit.



This agreement does not include janitorial services or trash pickup. Tenants must remove everything brought into the Center upon leaving including decorations and trash. Floors must be swept, sinks, counters, and tables must be cleaned and any Center-owned dishes used should be washed, dried and put away. Failure to appropriately clean-up will result in deducting cleaning costs from the deposit. Furnishings that are moved must be returned to their original locations and windows must be closed and locked. All lights, fans, and appliances must be turned off. Utensils and items, such as towels, etc., must remain at the Center. If there are items here upon your arrival such as food, beverages, and water, please do not consume them.


In case of an urgent situation requiring immediate attention including malfunction of heating, sewer/water, electrical or other equipment critical for the safe operation of the building, please contact Emily Worden at 231-866-6437. 



In addition to returning the space to its original condition before leaving, tenants should lock all entry doors at the end of each session. Should Center staff return to the office following your rental and find that either or both doors have been left unlocked, $50 from your $150 deposit will be held. 



Following the period of this agreement, an FCC representative will inspect the rental area to determine that the above expectations have been met. If the inspection finds the area to be in satisfactory condition, the security deposit will be returned to the renter within 14 days.


  • If your rental falls on a Saturday, we are unable to accommodate Friday set-up hours / decoration drop offs

  • If your rental falls on a Saturday, if the following day is available, and if you'd like to leave clean-up till that following day (Sunday), that will be considered a full weekend rental, and the rental fee will be $500 flat (plus the $150 refundable security deposit).

  • Regardless of your rental day of the week, if you'd like to extend your rental in increments of one hour minimum, you may do so at the rate of $10/hour.


Any deviations from this Agreement must be signed and dated by both the Center Representative and the tenant.


This agreement may be canceled by either party by written notice no fewer than 21 days in advance of the beginning of the rental period without penalty. Renters canceling their reservation 14 - 21 days in advance of the beginning of their rental period will receive 50% of their payment back, with 100% of the security deposit being returned. Renters who cancel 14 or fewer days in advance of the beginning of the rental period will receive 25% of their payment back with 100% of the security deposit being returned. 


Violation of our non-discrimination policy will terminate this agreement immediately. Please find it in the full Building Use Agreement linked below.

In Case of an Urgent Situation


This includes malfunction of heating, sewer/water, electrical or other equipment critical for the safe operation of the building, please contact Bekah at 231-866-1355

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