About Us
Located at the corner of Broadway and St. Mary’s Street in Suttons Bay, the Center hosts classes, activities, and lunches on a regular basis. It’s also available to individuals, businesses, and community groups who need a place to meet.
The Center was founded in 1988 to serve the growing senior citizen community in Leelanau County, but our focus has always been on encouraging generations to connect and learn from one another through community-based programs.
Over the years, the Friendship Community Center has been the place to go for health and wellness classes, it has served as an after-school drop-in center for local students, as a lunch site for senior citizens, a place to play cards and games, a site for wedding receptions or for artistic performances and much more.
Today, the center remains focused on providing educational and recreational activities for community members throughout the Suttons Bay Bingham area and providing space for community meetings and events. Guests from around Leelanau County and neighboring counties are always welcome.
The Center is financially supported by local community members, grant funding, and generosity from people like you!

We provide a gathering space that enriches and strengthens multigenerational and multicultural relationships in the Leelanau community.
The Center is the heart of a thriving and culturally diverse community where people of all ages come together through programs that embrace differences, promote mutual respect, and encourage support of one another. The Center creates more than a sense of community, it creates a feeling of belonging.